Saturday, August 18, 2012

Sunday 8/19 at RPC, “Who Will You Serve?”

As I was preparing the message for this week on Romans 6:15-23 I thought a good way to illustrate Paul's message would be to think about what it might be like to be a prisoner who experienced a sudden, unexpected, and undeserved release. What would that feel like? What would I do with my new found freedom? Then I started looking into some issues surrounding criminal behavior and I came across a kind of shocking statistic, that 70% of prisoners released from prison go back to prison within three years of their release. Why? It seems that the majority of those released think they are being released to freedom but in fact go back to their old ways; we would think of it in Christian terms as slavery to sin. Without seeing the need for a fundamental change in their lives, they end up associating with the same people in the same environments as before, do the same things, and get the same result. Prison.
Join us this Sunday at 11:00 AM when we will consider how we are like these convicts released from prison, and how we can learn to listen to our new master and avoid going back to the prison of sin.

One of the things we will be talking about is spiritual disciplines. I have compiled a short list or resources to help you get started.

Some helpful links for Spiritual Disciplines

Don't forget we will have corporate prayer at 1015 in the second floor chapel where we can pray for our personal concerns and the needs of our congregation. All are welcome.

After service there will be a Bible Fellowship for the youth. There will be pizza! Also this week we will be doing our homeless mission at God's Extended Hand. This is a great opportunity to experience the blessing of being Jesus' hands and feet in the world. Everyone is invited to participate.

We are now on Facebook! Check out our new Facebook page at are some pictures from the Vacation Bible School and the Carnival.

Hope to see you Sunday!
Pastor Keith

Rock Presbyterian Church 6910B Miramar Rd. Second Floor, San Diego 92121. 760-271-7285

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