Saturday, February 9, 2013

If the world really loves these values, why do we have to give up so much to live them?

If we look around us, we can see that most people will say that they agree with Jesus’ teachings to a point. Everybody wants justice, righteousness, and love. The problem comes, not in the abstract idea, but in the actual practice. Most people are inspired when they see self-sacrificing love practiced. People admire Martin Luther King, Jr., because he was willing to risk assassination to oppose a system of institutionalized injustice. Most people admire Mother Teresa because she lived a life of poverty in order to bring the Love of Jesus to the poor in Calcutta.

But who is willing to risk their lives, their reputations, or their fortunes to live in a self sacrificing way? And the fact that we would have to sacrifice what seems like so much to do so is the indication that the values Jesus calls us to live by are offensive to the world. If the world really loves these values, why do we have to give up so much to live them?

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