Friday, April 12, 2013

Justice and mercy meet at the cross.

A lot of times when we think about the Bible we will say something like "The Old Testament God is a God of justice, of retribution, of fire and brimstone, and the New Testament God is a God of love and mercy." It is a great sentiment but it is completely inaccurate. The Old Testament God is as much a God of love and mercy as the New Testament God and the New Testament God is as much a God of justice as the Old Testament God because God is unchanging.

In the Old Testament, at the very time when man needed mercy the most, at the time of the rebellion of Adam and Eve, God demonstrated his mercy by promising a savior who would rescue them from death (Gen. 3:15). And in the New Testament God satisfied the need for justice by sacrificing himself on the cross to rescue humanity from death. Justice and mercy meet at the cross.

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